Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I read that someone said that Hurricane Katrina was God's wrath against the United States. I cannot believe that and I will not believe that. If you take an honest scientific look at what man has done to this earth, the increase in natural disasters is a direct result of man's continued destruction of the environment.

God doesn't kill innocent people because of the sins of a few. He just doesn't work that way.
The quote that I read came from a person of a non-christian religion. I can't attest to the belief system of this person, but I can say this. If you want to look for someone to blame, you'll need a lot of fingers. Big business is to blame for deforestation, over production of the land, and general lack of consideration for mankind. The green house effect, that many people don't believe in, is basically to blame for the increase in natural disasters.

Now if you want to blame someone for the lack of evacuation efforts before the hurricane, again, you'll need lots of fingers. I'm not going to name names, because I think that at this point, it's useless. However, the resources being used to transport people out of the devasted areas, should've been used ahead of time. The resources, that were already allocated to fix the levy systems shouldn't been diverted to the war.

It's not like New Orleans and the other Gulf Coast cities were built a few years ago. The government knew about the possibility of this disaster decades ago. It's like government officials were in denial about this problem for years. Hopefully, they will fix the levies to prevent this type of disaster from happening again.

It's a sad situation.