Thursday, September 15, 2005

Protect Yourself

My day was filled, or maybe I should say, jammed packed with activities. It started at 7 am when my sister called and asked me to print out pictures of our family for my neice's class. They were making a family tree. I don't remember making family trees at two years old, but then again, I was two years old 30 years ago.

When I got to work, the "fun" continued. I had a ton of work orders and it seemed to me that everyone needed their work order done, not today, but yesterday. My mind was swirling and I began to feel like I was going to have a panic attack. Now, it probably wasn't a good idea to have a cappuccino, but you live and learn.

I went through the rest of the day, wondering if I had enough time to get everything done. My brain became aware of every second that passed. Oh yeah, let's not forget the Mellow Yellow at lunch. Mellow Yellow is Coca-Cola's version of Mountain Dew. What's the best way to come down from a cappucinno high? Get a soda buzz. If you are shaking your head in shame right now, you wouldn't be alone. Around 4:00 pm, the buzz started to where off and my brain started calm down. I also felt like I was getting things done.

I'm really tired right now. It's probably all the caffeine making its way out of my system. I'm still not going to fold the laundry today. But for sure, tomorrow. Although, one of my friends suggested that I just leave the clothes on the living room floor and just pick out my outfits from there. I don't think I'll do that. But it's tempting.