Sunday, September 25, 2005

Take Courage

I found this scripture interesting:

1 Chronicles 29:17a "And I well know, O my God, that you are an examiner of the heart..."

When I read this, it made me think of how what is in our hearts can recommend us or condemn us. Many people in this world don't feel worthy of God's love. They feel like they haven't or can't do what pleases God. They feel like, "God wouldn't want me, I've sinned too much". Well, guess what? Luke 15:7 gives comfort to those who don't feel worthy of God's attention when it says, "I tell you that thus there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who hae no need of repentence."

So, it's never too late. God knows what is in our hearts. If we want to be acceptable to him and don't know how or think it's too late, go to him in prayer and ask for his guidance. He'll give it to you, even if it seems to you that it's too late.