Sunday, September 18, 2005

In the cobwebs of my mind

I don't know what's going on with my subconscious lately. I've been having dreams of the twin towers again. I want to say that it's because one week ago today was September 11th. But the dreams started a while ago. I had my second dream of the past month last night.

In my dream, I was in the hospital, which it was in the North Tower (in my dream). I was injured in some sort of way that I had to be in wheel chair. Suddenly the building started to shake. It wasn't hit, but instead it started crumbling. The floor that I was on began to split open and revealed blocks of ice. Lauren Graham was visiting me, but for some reason she disappeared and I was all alone and couldn't get to the elevator. Some how I managed to make it to the stairs and for some reason I decided that the best way to get down the stairs was to slide down the banister.

I made to the bottom floor and out of the building. It was chaos, but some how I got away. Then I woke up.

It's the strangest thing because sometimes I make it out and sometimes the dream ends before that. I don't know why I keep having these kinds of dreams. It's a little unnerving because no one wants to think about their own death.