Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Resolution

I just saw a woman on TV who said that her New Year's Resolution is to help her boyfriend stay out of jail and to lose weight.


December 31, 2005 2:48am

Talk about burning the midnight oil. I've been working on a homework assignment all day. I've been reading the chapter that goes with it all week. The assignment was due by midnight on December 30. I was 2 hours 48 minutes late. But I guess if I weren't late, then I wouldn't be me. The truth of that statement saddens me in ways that I can't fully explain.

Now I have to get started on the next assignment. I committed to doing a research project about using blogs on college websites. I really think that we could use them at HCC, but the trick is going to be convincing the powers that be that blogs can be used as a business application. I've already seen blogs used on the McDaniel College website. I'm still looking for other colleges that use blogs effectively. Some offer blog space to their students, but I'm looking for blogs that help in recruiting or blogs that are used to announce campus events. I need some concrete evidence 1) for my paper and 2) to use for my real sales pitch.

Well, I'm past tired. I have to get some sleep now. Shelby is going home tomorrow and I want to make sure that I'm awake when her parents get here.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Seven Things

One of those annoying surveys

Seven things that scare you:

1) Heights
2) Bridges
3) Having to be confrontational with someone I love
4) Getting older
5) Being on boats
6) Mental Illness
7) Having people hear me sing when I have my headphones

Seven things you love:

1) God
2) My family
3) My best friends
4) My computer
5) Snow days
6) Music
7) Discovering something new all on my own

Seven things you hate:

1) People who lie
2) Laziness
3) People who are not empathetic to other people's needs
4) Paris Hilton
5) Telemarketers who call and say "This is not a telemarketing call"
6) Paying Bills
7) Not having money

Seven things in your room:

1) Bed
2) Dresser
3) Ironing Board
4) Clothes
5) Pug
6) Tiger
7) A photo of Italy

Seven random facts that nobody knows about you:

1) I want to be in a play
2) I want to be on the Price Is Right and win fabulous prizes
3) I never wanted to move to Columbia, but now I can't imagine living any where else.
4) In the eleventh grade, a skate punk guy told me that he gave up smoking so that I would date him... I never did go out with him.
5) Even though I was relatively successful then, I hated high school.
6) I only applied to one college during my senior year because I was scared to death to leave home.
7) Austin Powers makes me sad.

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1) Get out of debt
2) get married
3) have kids
4) Work with Carol Burnett
5) Be in a play
6) Own my own home
7) Try a bloody Mary

Seven things you can do:

1) Give a recursive answer to most people's questions at work
2) Design Web Pages
3) Give great advice even it's not asked for
4) Be righteously indignant when the situation calls for it
5) Defend my family to the death
6) Keep my inner feelings inside
7) Give way too much of myself to others

Seven Things You Can't Do:

1) Eat carrots or celery
2) Pick out shoes for myself
3) Share my food
4) Delegate tasks to others
5) Walk by the $5.50 bin at Walmart and not look in
6) Take criticism well
7) go into blockbuster and leave out empty handed

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1) A belief in and dedication to God
2) Looks
3) Personality
4) Sense of humor
5) Intelligence
6) A cute butt
7) A job...ain't nothing going on but the rent!

Top Seven Favorite Movies:

1) Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood
2) Imitation of Life
3) Beaches
4) Napoleon Dynamite
5) The Color Purple
6) Miracle Worker
7) Back to the Future Trilogy

Top Seven Things You Say The Most:

1) "You know what I mean?"
2) "Come on, now"
3) "Did that not sound sincere? I meant it to..."
4) "Not going to happen my friend"
5) "I was like...", Instead of saying "I said.."
6) "Not my problem"
7) "Do you see concern on my face"

Seven Places You Would Love To Visit:
1) Coeur d'Alene
2) Florida Keys
3) Canada
4) Cuernavaca Mexico
5) Pasadena, California
6) Ireland
7) Papua, New Guinea

Seven TV Shows You Want To Star In:

1) Facts of Life
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Star Trek Voyager
4) The Carol Burnett Show
5) Lost
6) Reba
7) Kim Possible

Seven things you admire most in people:

1) Honesty
2) Friendship
3) Confidence
4) Mutual Respect
5) Empathy
6) Sense of humor
7) A quiet understanding... being able to know what the other one is thinking or feeling without a word

Seven of your all time favorite bands/artists:

1) Reba McEntire
2) Boyz II Men
3) Keith Urban
4) Van Halen
5) Erin Hamilton
6) Michael Buble
7) Alison Krauss and Union Station

Seven Things you like most about your life right now:

1) The people I call friends are really supportive and caring.
2) I can cook well - Thanks Rachael Ray!
3) That I'm beginning to learn to live for me.
4) That I have people in my life who love me (both near and far)
5) That I finally realized that I am worthy of a good man (now I have to wait for him to show up)
6) The fact that I work in education despite the fact that I never thought I would.
7) That I am able to take care of myself with minimal supervision.

Seven things that you don't like about your life right now:

1) I'm still not married.
2) That there are committments that I'm not fulfilling
3) That I watch too much tv
4) That my grandmother is sick and there's nothing I can do about it.
5) That there are still things in my life that I haven't finished.
6) That I don't have unlimited funds to do the things I want.
7) That I have gained so much weight.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm not good at this

Some one remind me again why I decided to go for my Bachelor's Degree? This class is so hard. I've never done so much reading in my life. We're reading about writing... go figure.

At what time exactly, do the adult beverages get served?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Restraining Order Against Letterman Tossed

Tuesday December 27 3:09 PM ET

A state judge has lifted a restraining order granted to a Santa Fe woman who accused talk-show host David Letterman of using coded words to show that he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host.

Judge Daniel Sanchez on Tuesday granted a request by lawyers for Letterman, host of CBS' "Late Show," to quash the temporary restraining order that he earlier granted to Colleen Nestler.

She alleged in a request filed Dec. 15 that Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" since May 1994.

Nestler requested that Letterman, who tapes his show in New York, stay at least 3 yards away and not "think of me, and release me from his mental harassment and hammering."

Lawyers for Letterman contended the order was without merit.

"He is entitled to a protection of his legal rights and a protection of his reputation," Pat Rogers, an Albuquerque lawyer representing Letterman, told the judge Tuesday.

The New Mexico court doesn't have jurisdiction over Letterman, who is a resident of Connecticut, Rogers said.

Nestler appeared in court without a lawyer and represented herself.

Responding to a question from the judge, Nestler said she had no proof of the allegations she had made against Letterman.

She also said that if Letterman or any of his representatives came near her, "I will break their legs" and establish proof of her allegations.

Nestler said after the court hearing that "I have achieved my purpose. The public knows that this man cannot come near me."

She also said that her comment about breaking legs "is not a threat."

"I appealed to the court for a restraining order to keep this man away from me, but now that's been denied me," she said. "He has access to me. He can actually come for me or send people. He has many accomplices. I know this sounds crazy. I was crazy to have listened to him in the beginning."

Nestler's application for a restraining order was accompanied by a six-page typed letter in which she said Letterman used code words, gestures and "eye expressions" to convey his desires for her.

She wrote that she began sending Letterman "thoughts of love" after his show began in 1993, and that he responded in code words and gestures, asking her to come East.

Nestler said Letterman asked her to be his wife during a televised "teaser" for his show by saying, "Marry me, Oprah." Her letter said Oprah was the first of many code names for her and that the coded vocabulary increased and changed with time.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Carrie Hamilton

"Every day I wake up and decide: today I'm going to love my life."

Carrie Hamilton with arms raised
I know I wrote about Carrie Hamilton a few days ago. But I can't seem to get her off my mind. I can't explain it, but it's like mourning the loss of someone you never met. It's funny because had I not been a fan of Carol Burnett's, I probably wouldn't have ever heard of Carrie. But her life, her struggle always seem so intriguing to me. She was an actress, singer, writer and director. Athough she was the child of famous parents, she worked hard to forge a good life herself.

From my website

Actress, writer, director Carrie Hamilton was born into television royalty on December 5, 1963. Her mother, legendary comedienne Carol Burnett and her father producer Joe Hamilton gave Carrie and her two younger sisters the best life had to offer. They tried to protect their girls from life's hardships. However at age 13, Carrie faced the most difficult time of her life and her parents felt powerless to help her. Carrie struggled with drug abuse for most of her teenage years. But when she recovered, with the help of her family, she worked hard to put her life on the right path.

As an adult, Carrie gave many memorable performances on such shows as Fame, 90210, the made-for-tv movie Hostage (in which her mother co-starred), X-Files, Touched By An Angel and A Mother's Justice. Carrie also became widely known for playing the role of Maureen in the first travelling company for Broadway's Rent. Most recently, Carrie turned her interest to writing and directing. her directing skills were recently recognized when she was awarded the "Women in Film" award in the 2001 Latino Film Festival for her film "Lunchtime Thomas". Carrie was the first non-Latino to win the award. Before her death, Carrie and mother, Carol, collaborated on a play based on Carol's memoir One More Time. Carrie approached her mother about the project and continued to work on it until her death on January 22, 2002. The play, which was eventually called Hollywood Arms, premiered on Broadway on October 31, 2002 and ran through January 5, 2003.

The Carrie Hamilton Theatre
The Pasadena Playhouse is dedicating the Balcony Theatre to Carrie. The Carrie Hamilton Young Artist Outreach Program will help young people develop and nurture their artistic talents. Carrie had courage and always tried to push the envelope and try new things. This same spirit will be encouraged in the new outreach program.

I wish I had the resources to support this theatre. Like I said before, it so strange that this is so near to my heart. As a teenager, I would watch the Carol Burnett show and try to imagine what it would be like to be her daughter. In a way, that made Carrie, along with her sisters Jody and Erin, my sisters. I know it was childish and unrealistic. But it did introduce me to a very talented person.

December 5th would've been Carrie's 42nd birthday. From what I have read about her, I know she would've liked to been involved with this theatre project. If you can, please donate to this theatre at - Click on the Donate link.

Carrie Hamilton

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Lucy and Ethel - Best buds forever

If you're ever in a jam, here I am
If you're ever in a mess, S-O-S
If you ever feel so happy, you land in jail; I'm your bail.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships have been forgot,
Ours will still be hot.
Lah-dle-ah-dle-ah-dle dig, dig, dig.

If you're ever up a tree, phone to me.
If you're ever down a well, ring my bell.
If you ever lose your teeth, and you're out to dine; borrow mine.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships have been forgate,
Ours will still be great.
Lah-dle-ah-dle-ah-dle, chuck, chuck, chuck.

If they ever black your eyes, put me wise.
If they ever cook your goose, turn me loose.
If they ever put a bullet through your brrain [sic]; I'll complain.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships have been forgit,
Ours will still be it.
Lah-dle-ah-dle-ah-dle, hep, hep, hep.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

My Date with Drew

My Date with Drew



Genres: Documentary
Tagline: 30 days, $1100, For an Ordinary Guy to Get a Date with Drew Barrymore
Plot Synopsis: "If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul." - Drew Barrymore. Ever since the second grade when he first saw her in E.T. The Extraterrestrial, Brian Herzlinger has had a crush on Drew Barrymore. Now, 20 years later he's decided to try to fulfill his lifelong dream by asking her for a date. There's one small problem: She's Drew Barrymore and he's, well, Brian Herzlinger, a broke 27-year-old aspiring filmmaker from New Jersey. But that doesn't stop Brian and his film school pals from doing everything they can think of to convince Barrymore to go out with him - and documenting their quest along the way. Equipped with a video camera they have to return to Circuit City in 30 days and the $1,100 Brian won on a game show (where the winning answer was, prophetically, "Drew Barrymore"), they've got one month to accomplish their mission. To succeed, they'll need to negotiate an army of publicists, agents, producers and assistants who surround the star so Brian can pop the question. My Date with Drew is the award-winning, inspirational story of an ordinary guy who, despite incredibly long odds, puts everything on the line to pursue his lifelong dream. It's also an astute and often hilarious look at contemporary dating rituals, the culture of celebrity and the power of passion.

After reading the negative reviews on, I have to say, I'm still glad I rent this movie. It was funny and sad and interesting. And even though it was a documentary, which I don't normally like, it was a fun time. Some people on Amazon complained because they didn't realize that it was a documentary. Duh, read the box when you pick it up. It said it was a documentary!

Drew Barrymore is quoted in this movie, "If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul." That's what this movie is all about. Brian took a risk in trying to get a date with Drew, in getting this documentary made, in going after his dreams and sticking with it. Say what you want about his choice of dreams, but when it's all said and done, he didn't waste a soul.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Oh the pain

Just for the record, my head hurts. It's been hurt since this morning. I took some Advil and it's only gotten worse. It's just below the minimum requirement for a migraine.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

There's been debate over whether or not Intelligent Design should be taught as an alternative to evolution. Those against the Intelligent Design theory say that ID isn't scientific and can't be proven. They say that is it a way to introduce religion into the classroom because by nature ID is faith based.

Supporters of evolution want our children to accept a theory aka guess that everything in the universe just happened. They can't prove it, there is no evidence to prove that we started as single celled organisms and slowly changed into human beings. No one recorded it, snapped a picture with their cellphones to capture that all important spark that started evolution going. We only have the conjecture of Charles Darwin. Believing evolution takes more faith than believing Intelligent Design.

At least the bible has proven scientific facts in it. The Mosaic law contained hundreds of laws about hygiene that protected the ancient Israelites from diseases now commonly known by scientists. Now if God gave them these laws, why is such a stretch to believe that He also created the universe.

Now I will admit that people who don't want to believe in God are the ones behind this anti-Intelligent Design campaign. I understand that they don't want to be "preached" to about a god they don't know or want to know. But at the same time, as a Christian, I don't want to hear someone tell me that the work that my Creator did millenia go just happened by chance. By teaching evolution, it seems like atheism is being forced on me.

So here's what I'd like to see. Stop teaching evolution all together. They don't have to teach Intelligent Design because in the long run, Intelligent Design recognizes that someone created the universe. But it never goes as far to say who did it. It stops just short of creationism.

The fact of the matter is that we will never agree.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dry Spell

I'm having a creative block... a designer's version of writer's block. Nothing looks good to me. I have no ideas. My brain has been sucked dry...

And if I see that Jesse McCartney commercial one more time !!!!!

Jesse: "I'm gonna be home for the holidays"
Me: "Go home already!!!"

On a lighter note, I did find a site that I really like and that is near to my heart:

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Blast from the Past

This is what I want...

Atari Flashback 2.0

Flashback to the good old days with the Atari 2600 Console.

  • All in 1 TV compatible gaming system
  • Wood grained updated console case, approx 2/3rd the size of the original 1977 release of the Atari 2600 console
  • 40 Atari Games [20 original classic 2600 games (Pong, Missile Command, Asteroids, Centipede, Breakout, etc.) & 20 new Atari games]
  • 2 Atari 2600 joysticks
  • Power supply & A/V cable
  • Single player and Dual player head-to-head
  • All in 1 TV compatible gaming system

Who are they kidding?

Ok, first we had Garth Brooks, then Jesse McCartney. Now we have Martina McBride, Destiny's Child and Queen Latifah. All these folks are shopping at Walmart for Christmas presents?

Umm... Yeah... Ok...

Check out the commercials

Walmart Logo

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

We watched a movie see!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My sites

Not much to report today. I'm still preparing for my advanced internet final. This class was a challenge for me. I had to hand code html for three and half months.

Using Dreamweaver feels so foreign to me now. I still want to redesign my Carol Burnett site, but now, I'm not sure if I'll go the hand coding method or Dreamweaver. Knowing me, I'll find some happy medium and do partial hand coding.

I have been thinking though... It has been next to impossible to keep updating this site. I get yahoo news alerts for Carol Burnett, but not enough relevant info comes through to keep my site current. There's another website out there that always seems to have a ton of information. And it looks like it's updated fairly often. I already have the domain name until next September, so it seems a shame to leave it the way it is.

The other thing that I have to do is move my class project to my web hosting site and update it for real world use. I created a site for web design consulting and I really want to give it a go. I have a domain name already set for that site as well.

The only other thing that I need is to find some new message board software. I'm currently using Maxwebportal for my portal needs, but I need something that is a little more flexible. MWP is flexible, but not to the extent that I need it to be. I'm going to keep looking.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Make your own joke

Can't we all get along?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Stuck in my head

I have this song stuck in my head:

I feel no shame
I'm proud of where I came from
I was born and raised in the boondocks
One thing I know
no matter where I go
I keep my heart and soul
in the boondocks.

by Little Big Town

Listen to the whole song

Friday, December 09, 2005

A riddle

What's better than a snow day?

A snow day that falls on a Friday :)
happy star

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Change of heart

Ok, so maybe this week isn't so bad.

I feel better today about life. I am movin out of my dark place and finding a new perspective about how I view things. Everything is going to be ok. I've got a real good friend who doesn't scare easily.

i can't say i'm happy but i aint too blue
i know i'm lucky to have a friend like you
we'll share some laughter on that you can depend
long as i'm living you got a real good friend

Next week is my final exam in Advanced Internet. I have so much reading left to do.

Snow is's a good thing :)

Getting there

I don't want you to think I'm all gloom and doom because I'm not. But this week needs to be over. I'm tired of being tired and sad.

It's suppose to snow tomorrow night. I hope it's enough to get a day off from work.

I like snow. It's so pretty and cleansing.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Later that day...

So what do you say in a moment like this
When you can't find the words to tell it like it is
Just bite your tongue and let your heart lead the way
Let's get out of here
Oh what do you say

Sometimes you gotta listen to the silence
And give yourself a little time to think

artist: Reba McEntire
title: What Do You Say
album: So Good Together

(Michael Dulaney/Neil Thrasher)

Friday, December 02, 2005

UMUC Student ID

I'd like to thank the UMUC Registrar's office for sending me not one, not two, but three student ID cards. The three cards didn't come together. They sent them in three separate envelopes with three copies of the exact same letter.

Once of the last sentences reads, "If you lose this card and need a replacement, please feel free to request one through the student portal:".

Now I could do that, or I could just use the two replacements that they already sent me. The funny thing is that I'll probably never use these cards because I haven't been on campus yet. My degree program is completely online.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Time to think

"One isolating himself will seek [his own] selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth."
-Proverbs 18:1

23 days home from work has really taken a toll on me mentally. I've have time to think about things. In fact, I've had too much time. I've had time to over-think things.

For the past three weeks, everything has made me cry...Everything on tv that is. Ok, other things too. I keep thinking about some of choices I've made like going to school. It seemed like the right thing to do. But at this moment in time, it feels like a mistake. I feel like I can't do this. I'm so filled with doubt, that it disgusts me. The type A in me can't seem to come to grips with the fact that I'm not producing work on an A level; I'm not producing perfection. The thing is that I don't know why I'm letting this get to me.

I've also had some time to think about other things. In the past, I've always thought of myself as a cautious person. Sometimes when you are quick to trust people, they have a way of turning around and kicking you in the teeth. The sad things is that they don't even recognize what they're doing. They think they're doing you a favor. As if you really didn't need those teeth.

The trouble with me is that I don't always stick up for myself. One of my former supervisors told me that I must have a rug on my back because I let people walk all over me. That was about nine years ago and I think that there's still some truth to that. People have felt free to talk to me any old kind of way in the past few years and I just sit there and take it. I don't say a word.

In my middle school days, I could kirk-out with the best of them. I had a handle on the bad words :( I know you're shocked and I'm embarrassed. But back then, even though I didn't do it the right way, I didn't let people pick on me as much as I do now. So what's wrong with me now? Who took my backbone?

There are other things that I've been thinking about these past three weeks. For instance, I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins, one boy, one girl. It's odd that I had this dream now because, I feel like motherhood is going to allude me. Everyday, I feel myself moving farther and farther away from it. Yet, I had this dream. I had a boy and girl, just what I always wanted. Their names were Cecelia and Charlie and I loved them.

The last thing that has weighed heavily on me is something I can't write least not in ambiguous terms. Even if I tried, at least one person would know exactly what I'm talking about. So I will keep that burdon inside.

Tomorrow is my second follow up appointment. If everything goes well, I can go back to work on Monday. I never thought I'd be happy at the prospect of going back to work. But I think that it will be good for me. Being alone for so long hasn't done me any good mentally.

I'm sure watching 24 episodes of LOST in a four day period, didn't help my mental state that much either.

4 8 15 16 23 42

The numbers are no good...

Press the button, no buttons are bad...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Bette Midler sings Peggy Lee

Bette Midler

I got this CD a month ago and I really enjoy it. I didn't really know any Peggy Lee songs except for "Fever". I have to say that I wish the cd had more songs, but I am glad that I bought it.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

deliciously down

I need some sweet to soothe my inside
I need some soft to lay down my pride
I need some tears to rain down on me
To melt my memory

I need to slide deliciously down
To where I hurt the least

I need high prayers to breathe through
I need to shine like I used to and i
Know that I’m not supposed to be for nothing

I need a breeze to carry me safe
I need some peace to find my way
I need a song to hold in my palm
And feel the love that made me

I need to slide deliciously down
To where I hurt the least

I need high prayers to breathe through and i
Need to shine like I used to and i
Know that I’m not supposed to be for nothing

I need some love to open my heart
I need a space to fall apart
I need a star for every dream
Do you know what I mean

I need to slide deliciously down
To where I hurt the least

**Cree Summer**
Street Faerie - Cree Summer

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm back

My deepest apologies my dears for my 14 day absence. I haven't written because I've been too busy being sore and tired and oxycodoned (if that's a word). Whoever said having a cyst removed was a good idea needs to be slapped. This has taken so much out of me. My mother was right, I shouldn't give'll kill me :(

So I realize that I owe you 14 days of my life. I don't have it in me to recount each of the 14 days. Once the Oyxcodone kicked in, things got a little fuzzy. But I do recall a few highlights.

Day 2, November 8th - Faced with two weeks of lying on my side, I did the only thing any person in my position would do; popped in the complete first season of Lost and set a goal of watching 24 episodes in five days. I missed the first 18 or so episodes of Lost this past year, so I had some catching up to do.

24 episodes
1-2 oxycodone tabs every 4 - 6 hours each day
5 days before the DVDs had to go back to the library.

I'm sure you can see the challenge.

Tuesday morning I got started and was instantly sucked into every nuance, every possible clue. After about two days, I realized that no one's hair or beards were growing significantly and none of the women had hairy legs or pits. And those numbers... they're bad, I get it. But by Saturday I was seeing those numbers everywhere... 4, 8, 15, 15, 23, 42... Talk about full blown paranoia.

Well that was week one. Oh yeah, I got new windows in my apt. Marie came by and shielded me from nosey neighbors when I had no blinds. She also brought me Starbucks because no matter how incoherent you are, there's always time for Starbucks.

Week two, Nov 13 - 19th...
Yeah, umm... hmmm... err...
That whole week was a blur. I remember people coming by and calling while I was asleep. I don't remember much about the week. I do remember escaping from my house on the hunt for Starbucks. I walked across the street to the college, to the Starbucks cafe, to get a Caramel Macchiato with soy. Now my mom works at the college too, so I bought her one too so that she wouldn't fuss at me. And it almost worked. She was blinded by the caramel-ly goodness for a short time. But later in the day she called me and told me not to try that again. That was after my sister called and fussed at me about leaving the house. I remember telling Marie, but I don't know if that was the same day. I have no idea... I wasn't kidding when I said that week two was a big blur.

I can tell you this... Thursday I got my stitches out... WOOHOOO!!! The next day, I was feeling my cheerios and drove my car. Remember the starbucks incident? Oh yeah, my mom didn't like me driving even more than walking to get a starbucks. She didn't punish me because, well, I'm too old for that. But hey, the two days of pain was punishment enough.

Oh yeah, when I went to the doctor to get the stitches out, my doctor told me that I had two more weeks before going back to work. Two more weeks in the house... Oh joy. I have lots of homework to do and if I can keep a cohesive thought for more than two minutes, my plan is to get caught up this week. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

On the couch

I've been on the couch all day. Recovery from surgery is mostly lying there doing nothing. Well, I've become very skilled at that.

I got tons of movies to watch. I'm supposed to be in the house for two weeks so I got 8 DVDs. That should carry me through the end of the week. So here's the list:

Door to Door
Kim Possible: So the Drama
Sleepless in Seattle
Woman of the Year
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Lost: the complete first season
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Sunday, November 06, 2005

What's Happening

I cannot believe that I spent most of this weekend watching the What's Happening marathon on TV Land. :(
I did watch other shows, but I watched more episodes of What's Happening than I probably should've.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Busy Weekend

This weekend, I have to get things in order in preparation for my surgery on Monday. I have laundry to do, groceries to buy and homework to finish. I don't want anything to worry about once Monday gets here.

I want to get some movies for the next two weeks, to help pass the time. Now I wish I had joined Netflix or Blockbuster Online. Maybe I still can...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

My so called life

Ok, so maybe I do have a small problem with coffee. Maybe I do need that little shot of caffeinated goodness to get me through the day. Perhaps it's more than the warm aroma of the caramel macchiato that keeps pulling me back to Starbucks.

Hi, my name is Julie and I'm addicted to Starbucks.

I've refrained from going to Starbucks this week in preparation from my surgery and I feel like I'm going through withdrawal. I have no energy and all I want to do is sleep.

Sleep, my place of refuge. The only place where the absence of coffee is not an issue.

I can't wait until next Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The lady is a tramp

She gets too hungry, for dinner at eight
She loves the theater, but doesn’t come late
She’d never bother, with people she’d hate
That’s why the lady is a tramp

Doesn’t like crap games, with barons and earls
Won’t go to harlem, in ermine and pearls
Won’t dish the dirt, with the rest of those girls
That’s why the lady is a tramp

She loves the free, fresh wind in her hair
Life without care
She’s broke, but it’s o’k
She hates california, it’s cold and it’s damp
That’s why the lady is a tramp

Doesn’t like dice games, with sharpies and frauds
Won’t go to harlem, in lincolns or fords
Won’t dish the dirt, with the rest of those broads
That’s why the lady is a tramp

I think the lady got a bum rap!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I took a chance

I heard this guy Jason Mraz on the CBS Early Show's Second Cup Cafe. He was so interesting. He sang the song, "The Remedy" and it was so upbeat and different. I was immediately impressed.

Well that was months ago. Everytime I've gone in Sam Goody, I couldn't remember his name so I could buy his CD, Waiting for My Rocket to Come. Yesterday, I finally remembered his name and the good news is that I found his first CD in the used CD bin for $8.99. I love this CD. It didn't disappoint me at all. I read that he was influenced by Dave Matthews and you really can hear that in his music. But unlike Dave Matthews, Mraz's music seems happier and more upbeat. But there's no mistaking the complicated guitar riffs... Mraz is clearly a Matthews disciple.

Hey, I don't care. I just love this CD.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

I finally found them

I found not one, but two pairs of boots that fit me. I have a hard time finding boots that fit my calves because, well, to put it bluntly, they're big. But a friend suggested going to Value City to find boots and I ended up with a black pair and a brown pair and I got them for a good price too.


Friday, October 28, 2005

New York, New York

It was three years ago, tomorrow, that I spent about 7 hours on the street outside Tower Records in New York City waiting to meet Liza Minnelli. That same day I saw Kelly Ripa coming out of Barnes and Noble with her son. It was a cold day and I almost got in a fight with an crazy old lady.

I met Kelly Ripa again, a year and a half ago...
Liza and David broke up...
That crazy old lady is probably still cussing me out.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Yahoo Mail!

Yahoo mail has got to be the most useless email ever invented. It'll give you a bulk folder which is supposed to sort out the "junk". But then it sends everything to the inbox. There have been times when I've left my mailbox unchecked for at most 36 hours and ended up with almost 300 emails, all of which were junk.

One of these days, Alice, one of these days... pow!!! right to the moon!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's simple science

The law of inertia states:

A body in motion wants to stay in motion


A body on the couch wants to stay on the couch.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Stuck in the 80's

I don't care what VH1 says, this is still one of my favorite songs of all time. I'm still waiting to see Deborah Gibson in concert or on Broadway.

Foolish Beat
There was a time when
Broken hearts and broken dreams
Were over.
There was a place where
All you could do was
Wish on a four leaf clover.

But now is a new time
There is a new place
Where dreams just can't come true.
It started the day when I left you

I could never love again the way that I loved you
I could never cry again like I did when I left you
And when we said goodbye,
Oh the look in your eyes
Just left me beside myself without your heart
(without your heart)
I could never love again now that we're apart

When I was sorry
It was too late to turn around (turn around)
And tell you so.
There was no reason
There was no reason
Just a foolish beat of my heart.


Oh, can't you see I'm not fooling nobody
Don't you see the tears are falling down my face
Since you went away
Break my heart, you slipped away
Didn't know I was wrong
Never meant to hurt you now you're gone

I could never love again now that we're apart.
(now that we're apart)
I could never love again now that we're apart.

Regina and Sandra

Regina King and Sandra Bullock
Ok, scratch last night's blog. M and I have finally decided who we want to be. M is going to be Regina King and I'm going to be Sandra Bullock.

Now if you don't know us or didn't read last night's blog, the irony will be completely lost on you. Otherwise, I think we make a great team!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Tyra and Halle

Last night I dreamt that my friend was black. Now, in real life, she's white. In my dream had a light complexion with curly reddish brownish. She didn't look like a white person made up to look black, she was actually black.

Wait, there's more...

I tell her about the dream today and she says, "Did I look like Tyra Banks"? Now, I can only blame this on America's Next Top Model. She's started watching it and well... I don't know what to say...

So I told her that if she gets to look like Tyra Banks, then I, in turn, get to look like Halle Berry. I mean it's only fair. I've always had good looking friends and felt like the "plain" one. So if there's a tranformation, we're both getting it. I mean, as long as we're stretching things, why not go for gold!

Livin’ on a prayer

We’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got
’cause it doesn’t make a difference
If we make it or not
We’ve got each other and that’s a lot
For love - we’ll give it a shot
Whooah, we’re half way there
Livin’ on a prayer
Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear
Livin’ on a prayer

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Wise Words

If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach him how to use the internet, he'll leave you alone for a week.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Be there

In the grand scheme of things, there are something that are more important than other things. People are important, how you treat them, how you love them. We live such short lives and there is so much we have to do, so much that most of drown in the sea of responsibility. We fool ourselves into thinking that if we keep plowing ahead, working those extra hours to get more things, our families will achieve some imagined level of happiness.

I have news for you, no such place exists.

If you put your trust and hope in things, then things will be all you have in the end. Go find your loved ones and give them a hug. Tell them you love them. Then you'll find happiness. It doesn't reside in a particular zip code. It doesn't require a minimum annual salary. It only requires that you be there, emotionally, physically, and spiritually for your family. Be present in their lives now before you forget how to do it.

After all, today is a gift...That's why they call it the "present".

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Where are the priorities?

With hurricane Wilma headed for Florida, why are all the news headlines about Katie Holmes protruding belly or whether or not Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn are dating or the whole Branelina thing? I'm tired of hearing about celebrities and their personal lives.

Personally, if Jennifer Anniston is dating Vince Vaughn, I say, good for her. Brad doesn't seem to mourning the break up of his marriage. Everyone wants to paint Jennifer as the jilted wife whose friends have to drag her out of bed and re-assure her that life will go on. What everyone seems to forget is that Jen was strong before Brad and will be strong after Brad. She's said plenty of times that she's ready to move on with her life. And this "feud" between and Jen and Angelina... yeah ok. Let it go people, let it go!

The funny thing is that we sit and talk about celebrities as if their successes and failures in relationships have a direct correlation with our relationship successes and failures. I mean people were going crazy with Nicole and Tom broke and now Brad and Jen. Celebrities are human beings just like us. They have problems like everyone else.

Having said that, I will be the first one in tears if Tim and Faith break up ;)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Interesting day

Ok, so it's not enough that I pay an arm and a leg for cable internet. Now for some reason, MSN/Hotmail is blocking all comcast email. This means that I can't get email from my friend who is also my coworker. She emails me from comcast and I use msn mail. This also means that my instructor for LIBS150 can't email me either. And of course, comcast has no idea why this is happening, nor when it will be fixed.

Ok, so was one thing.

Later, I went to Target to get socks. Ok, unless they're white socks, I don't know what I'm doing. When I get to Target, I got about 18 pairs of colored socks, two pairs of panty hose and a purse. After I left, I was supposed to go to Blockbuster to return some DVDs, but I forgot. I'll get back to that later.

I went back to work and couldn't really concentrate for the rest of the day. I got a project started and made some good progress, but my mind kept drifting. After work, I went to the pool for my deep water fitness class and then I went to my mom's house. I picked up my sister to go back to Target to exchange the purse and to return the DVDs to Blockbuster. On the way to Blockbuster, I decided to go in a different entrance to the shopping center than I normally take and a lady in a SUV hit me. We were both turning left into the shopping center, but she went too wide and side swiped me. My car has a minor dent, but her car had some damage. The part above the wheel came off.

When I got out of the car, she came over and asked me if I was ok and asked me what happened. I told her that she turned a little too wide and hit me. I have some paint from her car on my car and a small dent, but I was ok. She started to cry. She was so shook up. She told me that her husband was diagnosed with cancer today and that it had been a very bad day. She kept asking me if I was ok and asked if I wanted her name and address. At that point, with the damage to my car being so minor, I told her no and not to worry about it. I was just worried that she wasn't ok. She was so upset. I went over to her car with her to check things out. Outside of the wheel thing, her seemed ok. She said, that people were more important than things and she put the part in her car.

I hugged her again and asked if she was sure she'd be ok to get home. She said yes and then she got in her car and left. I was shaken up, not because of her hitting my car, although, from the angle that she hit me, I could've been seriously hurt. I was more shaken up by her reaction. I was nervous for her. I prayed that she would get home safely. She was so upset.

Now, truth be told, I am a little sore, but I'll take some tylenol for the pain.

This is funny, but true

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The juices are flowing

After slaving over a design for my website project for over a week, today I looked at the draft that I turned in and had only one word to describe my design; "yuk".

I can never get completely satisfied with a design. There's always something better I could do. I'm at that point right now. I just worked on a second design, although, I'm not sure if my instructor is going to let me change the design now.

I hope she does because I'm happier with the second design.

Don't worry... as soon as I finish it, I'll upload it for you to see.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Matthew 6:33

(Matthew 6:33) 33 "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU.

Whenever you're stressed about all the pressures that are weighing down on you, read the above scripture and pray to have your thinking re-aligned with God's.

I forgot to do that last week and I let the careless speech of another person ruin my mood. I was told that I need to change who I am in order to achieve a particular goal. What was suggested was contrary to my personality and something that I never felt I should have to do. So imagine the negative self talk that went on in my head.

"Maybe if you were more social, you'd meet someone..." Great advice, but people have a saying that you need to be more social and then not inviting you to anything. Ok, so be social, but just not with us. Hmm...

Then today, I was reading an article in the Watchtower about Noah and the faith that he had and showed in building an ark, when no one had ever seen a flood before. He did this work for over 100 years. The article said that Noah had a faith that was so strong that it directed his every choice in live. He worked toward the goal of finishing is God given assignment and he did just so.

It made me think about all the things that I could get wrapped up in. All the things that could bring me down. Not being married is something that if I allow it to, could bring me down. But God's work of preaching and teaching will never bring me down. It's something that is a privilege and I should do the best that I can at it.

So I'm not going to let singleness bring me down. If it is meant for me to be married, I'll get married and I won't have to change myself into someone I don't like to do it. If I keep putting the kingdom (work) first then all these other things, (the desires of life that are in harmony with God's purposes) will be added to me.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Tagline: Laugh. Cry. Share the pants.

Plot Outline: Four best girlfriends hatch a plan to stay connected with one another as their lives start off in different directions: they pass around a pair of secondhand jeans that fits each of their bodies perfectly.

Actors: Amber Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel, America Ferrera, Blake Lively, Jenna Boyd, See more

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I'm scheduled to get some surgery on the 24th and I decided to do some research. I'm a little disturbed by what I've read. I made the mistake of looking at some pictures on one website and was completely grossed out.

I will say this, though, I did find some very interesting information. It looks like I might have to take off a week or so from work, because I may not be able to walk that much. I'm all for a few days off, but I don't know if I'm up for immobility. I'll figure something out though.

I'm not afraid though...not yet. I think that by getting as much information about this ahead of time, the scariness will be minimized.

Of course, that's what I say now... it's only the 13th.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Quit Smoking

So this morning I saw a Phillip Morris (the cigarette people) commercial. The commercial was about quitting smoking. It was hard to believe that Phillip Morris really wants people to stop smoking when it's their cash cow. Why should they care about smoker's health?

Oh yeah, that's right... Maybe it's all the class action suits that have them concerned... If they really cared, how about this... STOP MAKING CIGARETTES!!!!

If you want to quit smoking, go to the American Lung Association Freedom From Smoking website.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's getting cold

I've been avoiding this for a long time, but the time has come. It's been in the 50's and 60's for about a week now. It's been rainy and cold. So it's time to go get pantyhose.

I know that man must have invented pantyhose, but they are pure torture.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Think Pink

I don't usually buy things like this. But I felt compelled to buy this today.

From the Target website

We’re in this together. Wear it in support of your sister, your mother, your friend, yourself. These bracelet sets come with 20 single-strand rubber bracelets in 3 shades of pink and 6 inscribed silvertone charms ("Hope," "Love," "Courage," "Mother," "Sister" and "Friend") that you can hook on to make multi-strand bangles. Or you can sport the pre-assembled triple-strand bracelets with a Target/Breast Cancer Research Foundation ribbon charm that stays on (includes 4). Benefiting the women who have fought the illness, the people who’ve borne it with them and all who have lost a loved one to breast cancer, Target will donate 100% of profits from this product to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, dedicated to preventing breast cancer and finding a cure in our lifetime by funding clinical and genetic research worldwide. For more information, visit or call toll-free 1.866.FIND.A.CURE.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Spring time in Adelphi

I got an email from my academic advisor telling me that it's time to register for Spring classes. Hello, it's only the fifth week of classes. We've still got nine weeks left and she wants me to think about spring?

Come on now :(

I went ahead and printed out the online course section of the schedule of classes because in reality, who really needs all 148 pages of that thing? I just need a list of online classes that will be available.; seven pages in total.

While I was thumbing through the schedule of classes, I discovered something that I guess I had seen before, but didn't realize. Each semester is broken into two mini-mesters. So theoretically, I could sign up for 2-three credit courses, (one in Spring 1 and one in Spring 2) and still be considered a 6 credit student for the spring. That might actually work for me. This way I can get two classes out of the way without doing them both at the same time.

Now I just have to decide what to take. I'll let you know how that goes.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Good day

There are days when I feel super-productive and the mental juices just flow. Today was one of those days. I'm happy to say that I was able to keep most of the promises I've made over the past week. And I got some stuff done faster than I thought possible.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Mary Tyler Moore to go back to ‘70s’

Will play newscaster on ‘That 70s Show’

Updated: 8:08 p.m. ET Aug. 24, 2005
NEW YORK - Mary Tyler Moore is returning to the newsroom.
Moore is going to play a local newscaster in three episodes of “That 70’s Show.” But Moore won’t play the loveable character she did in “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.”
Fox says the episodes will air next year. The new season of “That 70’s Show” will premiere November second.

© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Two shoulders

When sadness fills your heart
and despair is all you see
when you feel you have nothing else
you have me.

Be strong my friend...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

September tears fall like rain

Historically speaking, September has never been a month of happiness.

9/11/1973, when the Americans orchestrated the military coup that overthrew and assassinated Salvador Allende in Chile. Over 3000 Chileans, mostly indians, were killed.

09/18/1989 Hurricane Hugo makes landfall over Charleston, South Carolina.

9/13/1996 Tupac Shakur dies from complications resulting from multiple gun shot wounds.

Late 8/31/1997, Princess Diana dies after being chased by papparazzi. The world grieves and tries to figure it out throughout September 1997.

Labor Day weekend 2000, my friend Iran is found in his apartment dead from a self inflicted gun shot wound. He was 26.

08/25/ 2001 R&B singer Aaliyah is killed in a freak airplane crash. The country spends the next few weeks trying to figure out what wrong until...

9/11/2001, Terrorists destroy the World Trade Center Towers (north and south), crash a plane into one side of the Pentagon and killed another plane full of people in Pennsylvia in an attempt to hit the White House. The United States is never really the same.

9/11/2003 Actor John Ritter dies from what doctors diagnosed as an aortic dissection (an unrecognized flaw in his heart).

9/18/2003 - Hurricane Isabel devastates the eastern coast of the US, killing 50 people and causing $3.37 billion in damage.

9/12/2003 Singer Johnny Cash dies from complications from diabetes.

9/01/2004 Armed terrorists took hundreds of school children and adults hostage at School Number One in the Russian town of Beslan in North Ossetia. On September 3, 2004, the third day of the standoff, shooting broke out between the hostage-takers and Russian security forces. According to official data, 344 civilians were killed, 186 of them children[1], and hundreds more wounded.

08/31/2005 Hurricana Katrina displaces over a million people, kills over 1000, and virtually wipes out the gulf coast cities of Lousiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle.

As if that weren't bad enough, 09/24/2005 Hurricana Rita finishes off the gulf Coast, making landfall between Sabine Pass, Texas, and Johnson's Bayou, Louisiana, and refilling an already over flooded New Orleans left with even more water than Katrina had dumped three weeks earlier.

Many other sad things happened, as they do everyday. It's important to let the people in your life know how you feel. It's important to clear up any unfinished business. It takes so much energy to be negative. In the grand scheme of things, it's better to love and be loved and spend your days appreciating your loved ones because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Diary of a Mad Black Woman

There exists a part of me that most people never get to see. It is a side that only comes out when I feel like I or my family are being attacked. I feel intense rage inside the very core of my being and my only instinct is to protect my family.

Once this rage led me to beat a man with a whiffle ball bat. Another time, I picked up a teenager and moved her away from my sister. I have been known to speak before thinking and verbal defend myself and my family.

Today, one of my older sisters was verbally attacked in writing and upon hearing about it, that part of me kicked in. I was ready to protect and defend my sister. No one treats my family that way and gets away with it.

Then I thought about it. Although my rage comes from a seemingly good place, it doesn't serve me well. So I decided to handle things differently. I dealt with the offender in a different manner, one that was appropriate for the situation. That person didn't need to know how angry I was at the time because that ultimately won't solve anything. But I will take care of the situation and get it resolved quickly.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cellphone Therapy

You might want to consider your cellphone's mental state before you upgrade to a new one.

True Colors

You with the sad eyes
don't be discouraged
oh I realize
it's hard to take courage
in a world full of people
you can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside you
can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow

Show me a smile then
don't be unhappy, can't remember
when I last saw you laughing
if this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
you call me up
because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow

-Cyndi Lauper
from the CD True Colors, 1990

Monday, September 26, 2005

Just Do It

Maybe the NIKE people were right when they said "Just Do It". I have decided to finally create that web design business website that I've always wanted. I've already gotten a domain name,

I've also decided to build my site as my class project. We have to build a site in my Advanced Internet Class so I figured that since only my homepage is done, I can do the rest for myself and the class. Our teacher gave up some pretty strict guidelines, one of which is that the whole site has to be hand coded using Notepad or Notepad2; no WYSIWYG editors. YIKES! This will definitely be a challenge. We also have to come up with our own timetable for completion.

I'm going to look at this positively about this. I have to get use to doing web site proposals and setting up draft and action plans for real-world clients. So all this work, that I don't normally do, will come in handy one day.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Take Courage

I found this scripture interesting:

1 Chronicles 29:17a "And I well know, O my God, that you are an examiner of the heart..."

When I read this, it made me think of how what is in our hearts can recommend us or condemn us. Many people in this world don't feel worthy of God's love. They feel like they haven't or can't do what pleases God. They feel like, "God wouldn't want me, I've sinned too much". Well, guess what? Luke 15:7 gives comfort to those who don't feel worthy of God's attention when it says, "I tell you that thus there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who hae no need of repentence."

So, it's never too late. God knows what is in our hearts. If we want to be acceptable to him and don't know how or think it's too late, go to him in prayer and ask for his guidance. He'll give it to you, even if it seems to you that it's too late.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Carol King had it right

If you're out on the road
Feeling lonely, and so cold
All you have to do is call my name
And I'll be there on the next train

Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Good Food and Good Friends

There's nothing like fried chicken, mac-n-cheese, green beans, key lime pie and a good friend to make a meal great!

Of course, we could've had two bowls of cereal and it still would've been a great time.

*Olive Juice*

No Time to Kill

There's no time to kill between the cradle and the grave
Father Time still takes a toll on every minute that you save
Legal tender's never gonna change the number on your days
The highest cost of livin's dyin', that's one everybody pays
So have it spent before you get the bill, there's no time to kill

If we'd known ten years ago today would be ten years from now
Would we spend tomorrow's yesterdays and make it last somehow
Or lead the cheers in someone else's game and never learn to play
And see the rules of thumb are all the same that measure every day
The grass is green on both sides of the hill, there's no time to kill

No time to kill, even I've said it, and probably always will
But I can look ahead and see that time ain't standin' still
No time to kill but time to change the kind of hurry I've been in
And quit this work and worry lookin' back at where I've been
If you don't look ahead nobody will, there's no time to kill

If we had an hour glass to watch each one go by
Or a bell to mark each one to pass, we'd see just how they fly
Would we escalate the value to be worth its weight in gold
Or would we never know the fortunes that we had 'til we grow old
And do we just keep killin' time until there's no time to kill

No time to kill, even I've said it and probably always will
But I can look ahead and see that time ain't standin' still
No time to kill but time to change the kind of hurry I've been in
And quit this work and worry lookin' back at where I've been
If you don't look ahead nobody will, there's no time to kill

No time to kill, even I've said it and probably always will
But I can look ahead and see that time ain't standin' still
No time to kill but time to change the kind of hurry I've been in
And quit this work and worry lookin' back at where I've been
If you don't look ahead nobody will, there's no time to kill

No time to kill
No time to kill
No time to kill

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I think I could use to this! I'm telecommuting two days this week. It took me a little bit to get started today. But once I got started, I was on a roll.

I decided not to change my routine too much so I got up this morning and did my walk. I took my mom to the gym with me and we did the treadmill. Fun was had by all :)

After I got home, I took a shower, made some breakfast (why haven't I bought a coffee maker yet?), and settled in to get some work done. I have my list, my to-do list. I made it yesterday and it consists of projects that I can do without connecting to my work computer. At first I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to do, but as it turns out, I may have too much to do.

At 4:30 I'm taking a break to go to the pool for deep water fitness, otherwise known as aquafit. That will cap off my day. I'll do a little more after I get home to finish off my 7.5 hours of work and then it'll be time for homework. OH JOY!

Someone tell me that I wasn't crazy to sign up for classes.

Monday, September 19, 2005

So you want to be a web designer

webkidjulie: someone in my internet class asked me if web design was an easy field to get into
Liz41533: oh, sure...
webkidjulie: I told her that if she had an art background, programming experience, some knowledge of marketing and business and a degree, it's easy to get in
webkidjulie: that is if you want to do it right
Liz41533: LOL
webkidjulie: seriously, I told her that the industry is saturated with people who just know the software to build sites, FP, Dreamweaver, GoLive, etc. But the real challenge is knowing how to make a functional site that's attractive, easy to use, and goes along with the intended purpose of the business or individual
webkidjulie: if you can do that, then you're really a web designer
webkidjulie: more web nazi rhetoric
Liz41533: :)
webkidjulie: if it weren't offensive, I'd want a tshirt that says, "web nazi"
Liz41533: LOL
Liz41533: sounds like you go around persecuting *people* in chat rooms or something
webkidjulie: yeah, really

Sunday, September 18, 2005

In the cobwebs of my mind

I don't know what's going on with my subconscious lately. I've been having dreams of the twin towers again. I want to say that it's because one week ago today was September 11th. But the dreams started a while ago. I had my second dream of the past month last night.

In my dream, I was in the hospital, which it was in the North Tower (in my dream). I was injured in some sort of way that I had to be in wheel chair. Suddenly the building started to shake. It wasn't hit, but instead it started crumbling. The floor that I was on began to split open and revealed blocks of ice. Lauren Graham was visiting me, but for some reason she disappeared and I was all alone and couldn't get to the elevator. Some how I managed to make it to the stairs and for some reason I decided that the best way to get down the stairs was to slide down the banister.

I made to the bottom floor and out of the building. It was chaos, but some how I got away. Then I woke up.

It's the strangest thing because sometimes I make it out and sometimes the dream ends before that. I don't know why I keep having these kinds of dreams. It's a little unnerving because no one wants to think about their own death.

Friday, September 16, 2005


It's been a long week. I'm ready for the weekend. I have a ton of homework, but that's ok. I can get through that.


Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger, were we really surprised that their marriage didn't last? Zellweger is claiming "fraud" as her grounds for the annullment. Most of the articles I've read said that this is unusual and hard to prove. But if you think about it, maybe it's Kenny that should be claiming fraud.

Go with me on this one....

Reportedly, Kenny Chesney developed a crush on Renee (or should I say her character) when he saw her in Jerry Maguire. He was so enamored with her that he wrote a song called "You Had Me At Hello". That could be considered either incredibly sweet or incredibly creepy. You take your pick. So this past January when they met at a Tsunami relief telethon, well of course, it was love at first sight. Kenny met Dorothy Boyd, er, Renee Zellweger. Sorry I got Renee confused with her character from Jerry Maguire.

Oh wait, maybe Kenny did too. Maybe Kenny realized that didn't marry Dorothy, a make believe woman, and that he really married Renee.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Protect Yourself

My day was filled, or maybe I should say, jammed packed with activities. It started at 7 am when my sister called and asked me to print out pictures of our family for my neice's class. They were making a family tree. I don't remember making family trees at two years old, but then again, I was two years old 30 years ago.

When I got to work, the "fun" continued. I had a ton of work orders and it seemed to me that everyone needed their work order done, not today, but yesterday. My mind was swirling and I began to feel like I was going to have a panic attack. Now, it probably wasn't a good idea to have a cappuccino, but you live and learn.

I went through the rest of the day, wondering if I had enough time to get everything done. My brain became aware of every second that passed. Oh yeah, let's not forget the Mellow Yellow at lunch. Mellow Yellow is Coca-Cola's version of Mountain Dew. What's the best way to come down from a cappucinno high? Get a soda buzz. If you are shaking your head in shame right now, you wouldn't be alone. Around 4:00 pm, the buzz started to where off and my brain started calm down. I also felt like I was getting things done.

I'm really tired right now. It's probably all the caffeine making its way out of my system. I'm still not going to fold the laundry today. But for sure, tomorrow. Although, one of my friends suggested that I just leave the clothes on the living room floor and just pick out my outfits from there. I don't think I'll do that. But it's tempting.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Who is he kidding?

I read this article about Bill Gates today and thought to myself, "Yeah right. Napolean Dynamite is way cooler than Bill Gates."

Microsoft's Gates faces off with Napoleon DynamiteTuesday September 13 10:12 PM ET

Pick your favorite geek: Napoleon Dynamite or Bill Gates?

Seeking to capitalize on the popularity of the 2004 cult movie "Napoleon Dynamite," Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday screened a video spoof for software developers in which the film's celebrated anti-hero reports to work as a programer for the world's largest software maker.
In a face-off between the two nerd icons, Jon Heder, the actor who plays Napoleon Dynamite, beats Gates in a slapping match to become the head of the software giant.

Gates is shown recruiting Heder's fictional character, after which they are seen together in ill-fitting brown suits on Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Washington.
In the last scene of the video spoof, Gates is seen scurrying into the office of his boss, Napoleon Dynamite.
Microsoft often uses major events to poke fun at its competitive business culture and and its hands-on chairman, Gates, the company's largest individual shareholder and the world's richest man with an estimated net worth of more than $48 billion.
Microsoft showed developers preliminary versions of its upgrades of its flagship Windows and Office programs to software developers at this weeks' conference in Los Angeles.

****Just an aside, 'Jon Heder' was paid $1,000 to play Napoleon Dynamite. The movie grossed over $40,000,000 in the United States.

More Napolean Trivia

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Sometimes you can't look a gift horse in the mouth. You just take the gift you're given and say thank you.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Katrina aid from Cuba? No thanks, says U.S.

webkidjulie: "Hi, this is George Bush calling. Yeah, I appreciate you wanting to help, but I'd rather let a few thousand more people die before I take your stinking money, you communist pig

*click* (phones slams down)

"Honey, what are we having for dinner"

hrlady99: yah, we have to remember these are the same people that turned down evacuation help from Amtrak, bus companies, etc. Amtrak had a train that they were sending out of the area anyways to put it at safer ground and offered to load it with evacuees. They ended up driving off empty because they were turned down.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Spring Cleaning

I need to do spring cleaning in my apt. I've let things go for a while. It's not a complete mess, but my apt could stand to get an overall wipe down and vacuum. I have a brunch to go to and then I'll be back to clean.

There's nothing like a clean space to help clear my mind.

Friday, September 09, 2005

First week of classes

So ends my first week of classes. So far, everything has been ok. I did have to do an online library scavenger hunt for the information literacy class. That was interesting.

I'm getting a little more comfortable with my schedule, but I still have some work to do. I need to write out a schedule of study so that I don't get behind in my classes. I also need to schedule my spiritual studies as well. It's going to be an interesting few weeks as I grope for that balance.

BTW, on Sunday, it'll be September 11th. I'm not planning to watch too much regular tv. I probably should get some dvds from blockbuster tomorrow.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Trapped in my car

You won't believe what happened today. I got in the car after my aquafit class and when I got home, my car door was stuck. I can't get it unlocked. I had to climb out of the passenger side door. I was none too happy.

Oddly enough, I found an article about someone with the same make and model car with the same problem. So I need to break into my car to get the door open to see what the jam is. Then it's possible that I'll have to have the lock replaced.

You know, of course, that I don't have money to get this fixed. :(

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Learning about the library

I'm taking the following class:

LIBS150 Information Literacy and Research Methods
They should call it, "Defanging the Library"

Here's the course description:

An introduction to the research process and methods for retrieving information in a library or through online sources. Development of a research topic and the creation of effective strategies for finding relevant information are discussed and practiced. The following information literacy skills are emphasized: understanding the research process; selecting appropriate print and electronic sources to answer research questions; effectively using Web search engines and UMUC Information and Library Services' electronic resources to find information; and evaluating, organizing, and correctly citing the information found.

Yeah, ok. I just want to know if after I take this class I'll be able to go into the library and find a book without asking the library people for help.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I read that someone said that Hurricane Katrina was God's wrath against the United States. I cannot believe that and I will not believe that. If you take an honest scientific look at what man has done to this earth, the increase in natural disasters is a direct result of man's continued destruction of the environment.

God doesn't kill innocent people because of the sins of a few. He just doesn't work that way.
The quote that I read came from a person of a non-christian religion. I can't attest to the belief system of this person, but I can say this. If you want to look for someone to blame, you'll need a lot of fingers. Big business is to blame for deforestation, over production of the land, and general lack of consideration for mankind. The green house effect, that many people don't believe in, is basically to blame for the increase in natural disasters.

Now if you want to blame someone for the lack of evacuation efforts before the hurricane, again, you'll need lots of fingers. I'm not going to name names, because I think that at this point, it's useless. However, the resources being used to transport people out of the devasted areas, should've been used ahead of time. The resources, that were already allocated to fix the levy systems shouldn't been diverted to the war.

It's not like New Orleans and the other Gulf Coast cities were built a few years ago. The government knew about the possibility of this disaster decades ago. It's like government officials were in denial about this problem for years. Hopefully, they will fix the levies to prevent this type of disaster from happening again.

It's a sad situation.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Why Do We Get Labor Day Off?

Raise a glass to the desperate politicking of Grover Cleveland.
By Brendan I. Koerner

GroverCleveland's desperation is to thank for Labor Day

The nation will observe Labor Day this coming Monday, allowing millions to enjoy the waning days of summer, as well their last chance to wear white pants without earning a "tsk tsk" from Miss Manners. How did this early September holiday get its start?

Though President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, the occasion was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. A parade was organized by the city's Central Labor Union, a branch of the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor, a secretive labor union founded in 1869 by a clique of Philadelphia tailors. Historians still debate over whom, specifically, to credit with the idea of a holiday dedicated to the workingman. Some say that Labor Day was the brainchild of Peter J. McGuire, co-founder of the American Federation of Labor. Others argue that Matthew Maguire, the CLU's secretary, was the holiday's mastermind and that he doesn't receive proper credit because he ticked off the mainstream labor movement by running for vice president on the National Socialist Labor Party ticket in 1896.

According to Ted Watt's The First Labor Day Parade, the September date was chosen because it coincided with a Knights of Labor conference in New York, thus guaranteeing a sizable turnout for the festivities. Though the event wasn't particularly festive, at least by today's standards: It resembled a protest far more than a parade, with CLU members required to march in support of the eight-hour workday. (Those who ditched faced fines.)

The CLU held the event again the following year on the same date. In 1884, however, the organization shifted gears and mandated that Labor Day take place annually on the first Monday in September. In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day an official holiday, with Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York quickly following suit.

For a while, Labor Day had stiff competition from May 1. In 1884, the American Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions declared that, by May 1, 1886, the eight-hour workday should be in effect across the land. When legislators and employers failed to comply in time, the result was a general strike and the bloody Haymarket Riot in Chicago, which caused the deaths of eight police officers and led to the hangings of four labor activists.

Though May 1 became an important day for Socialists and Communists, state governments and less radical labor leaders feared that the date was too emotionally charged. In 1894, after President Grover Cleveland ordered the brutal suppression of the Pullman Strike, he realized that he had to do something to curry favor with the labor movement, which viewed him with contempt. Worried that a May 1 holiday would encourage rabble-rousing in commemoration of the Haymarket Riot, he followed the lead of several states and made the first Monday in September a federal holiday in honor of the workingman. The political maneuver didn't achieve its desired effect, however: Cleveland lost the Democratic Party's 1896 presidential nomination to William Jennings Bryan.

Bonus Explainer: May 1 wasn't forgotten, however. In the 1920s, it became known in the United States as Loyalty Day, and it's still observed with an annual presidential proclamation that asks all government officials to take the not-so-outlandish step of flying the U.S. flag above their buildings.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


My family went to the end of the summer family cookout today. I initially wasn't going to go because I really need to save as much gas as possible. But I decided to go and ended up having a good time. I ate way more than I should've, but I figured that what's everyone does at cookouts.

Of course, I brought home a plate of food. I won't have to cook tomorrow. WOOOOHOOOO!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Relief


In this time of national crisis and overwhelming tragedy, here's what you can do to help with the relief effort or find support.

Friday, September 02, 2005

What a week

This week was the first week of classes. It was also the first week of recovery for the hurricane ravaged states of Louisana, Mississippi and Alabama. The devastation is incomprehensible. It makes me so sad to see the images.

Unfortunately, there are many people who are taking the opportunity to scam people into donating money. If you get emails about donations, be very cautious. Most reputable rescue agencies have no means to do mass emails. Your best bet is to go to the Red Cross.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Enegizer Bunny

Today, I had the first Caramel Macchiato in a few months and let me tell you, I was flying. I was so energized by the small cup of coffee... Ok, I'll admit it, I was bouncing off the walls and I felt like I was shaking on the inside. It's amazing how your body reacts to things after not having them for a long time.

I thought of something today. Yesterday was August 31st. On August 31, 1991 I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I dedicated my life to serving God. I think that in the past 14 years, I could've done better in my service to God; could've shown more faith and reliance. But I do know one thing. I am in a place right now where doing my best to serve Jehovah has been more important to me than ever before. I really want to give my all. One thing that has helped me is knowing that I don't have to be perfect at it.

See as a classic over-achiever, I'm used to doing really well in most things. My field service (house-to-house ministry) is something that I've never felt completely confident in. Maybe that's a good thing. There's no room for over confidence in this humble work. But I also know now that giving a witness is done in several ways. My conduct alone gives a witness to the God that created me. If I work hard to reflect his qualities, I become a better citizen in this world and a better servant of his.

So it's all good. I'm not at the level I hoped I'd be when I got baptized. But I'm getting there.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

School shopping

I went school shopping today. I bought school supplies. It was so fun.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Brad and Jen... the saga continues

I read several magazine covers today with articles detailing the post-married life of Jennifer Anniston. There are articles talking about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie buying homes, vacationing and planning their wedding. Then there are articles about Jen hanging out with close friends to help get through this time in her life, her alleged relationship with Vince Vaughn, and her feelings toward her ex.

Why has Brad and Jen's breakup caused so much conversation? It's almost like our parents breaking up and all of us being forced to choose sides. Do we live with Mom or Dad? Who's heart will be broken more? I don't know if I would want to move in with Dad and his new girlfriend. I think I have to side with Mom.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Martha's Got Her Groove Back

It's good to see that some criminals actually get reformed and that there are employers still willing to give them a break...


'Martha' to Show Sense of Humor
Aug 18, 7:15 AM EST

The Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Martha Stewart's new syndicated daytime television series, "Martha," which premieres Sept. 12, promises to show the home-and-hearth marketing queen's sense of humor.

"As soon as I spent time with Martha I knew that her witty and engaging humor would surprise and entertain viewers," executive producer Mark Burnett said in a statement released Tuesday by NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution.

"Our new daytime show does just that," he said. "It's in front of a live studio audience. It's energetic, it's fun. It works."

Cooking, crafts, collecting, gardening and home design will be featured components of the hour-long show, which will originate from Stewart's new studio in the Chelsea Television Studios.

The set includes a kitchen and a glass-enclosed conservatory for gardening segments.

Stewart will hit the road in segments such as "What's Really for Dinner," in which she surprises a viewer by visiting her home and helping cook a meal.

"I am very excited about working with a live audience for the first time and relish the idea of hosting a series that is a one-stop destination for all things how-to," Stewart said in a statement.

The 64-year-old lifestyle guru also will star in the reality show, "The Apprentice: Martha Stewart," which premieres Sept. 21 on NBC.

Stewart's release from home confinement in Bedford, N.Y., which followed a five-month prison term for lying about a stock sale, is set for Aug. 31.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

First day of school

Tomorrow is the first day of school for everyone in my family, except me. I go back to school on September 6th.

As long as I can remember, it's always rained the first day of school. I watched the news this morning and they were predicting clouds and possible rain. That rain sort of comforts me because it's a constant in my life. The first day of school has always been good for me, although the days to follow may not have.

I'm looking forward to going to school, to a new school. The University of Maryland University College is the largest school that I have ever attended. It's daunting because Howard Community College is so much my security blanket, that leaving frightens me.

I've been fighting it for years. I don't like to do things that might be too hard for me. And going for my bachelor's seemed like something I couldn't do. I don't know what I'm so afraid of. With a 3.57 GPA, you would think that I would be a little more confident about moving forward. I'm not, but I also feel like if I don't do this, I'll regret it because there's so much I want to do in my field that I can't do now without the degree.

The good news is that I have a support team that will help me through this. Although they've already told me that they don't want me weighing myself down and stressing out, I know that they'll be there to give me hugs and encourage me when I inevitably take on too much.

This is what I want to say to my support team.

Thank you in advance to everyone who:
- will be there for me.
- will listen to me complain.
- will tell me that it's going to be ok.
- will tell me to do my homework on time.
- will give me a hug when I need it.
- will tell me to relax.
- won't allow me to give up.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

It's so clear now

My world it moves so fast today
The past it seems so far away
And life squeezes so tight that I can't breathe
And every time I try to be what someone else has thought of me
So caught up I wasn't able to achieve
But deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to define my own destiny
I look at my environment
And wonder where the fire went
What happened to everything we used to be
I hear so many cry for help
Searching outside of themselves
Now I know his strength is within me
And deep in my heart, the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to define my own destiny
And deep in my heart...
And deep in my heart, the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to define my own destiny

Lauryn Hill
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Listen to this song

Thursday, August 25, 2005


I need to do laundry...badly. They are renovating the laundry room, which means the washers and dryers are gone. They won't be returned until Monday. So I have no socks to wear and very few seasonal clothes left. It's too bad I can't wear jeans to work. If I could, I'd have stuff to wear.

Oh well...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My class schedule

CMST 386 Internet: An Advanced Guide 3 units
(9/6/05 - 12/20/05)

Prerequisite: CMST 385. A study of advanced applications for the Internet and the World Wide Web. Focus is on Web page design, including features such as frames, animation, and cascading style sheets. Dynamic HTML and JavaScript are introduced. Assignments include publishing a Web page. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CAPP 386 or CMST 386.

LIBS150 Info Literacy Research Methods 1 units
(9/6/05 - 10/25/05)

An introduction to the research process and methods for retrieving information in a library or through online sources. Development of a research topic and the creation of effective strategies for finding relevant information are discussed and practiced. The following information literacy skills are emphasized: understanding the research process; selecting appropriate print and electronic sources to answer research questions; effectively using Web search engines and UMUC Information and Library Services' electronic resources to find information; and evaluating, organizing, and correctly citing the information found. Credit for LIBS 150 may not be earned through challenge exam or portfolio credit. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: COMP 111, LIBS 100, or LIBS 150.

COMM394 Business Writing 3 units
(10/26/05 - 02/08/06)

(Students for whom English is a second language should consider taking COMM 394X instead. Fulfills the general education requirement in intensive upper-level writing.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101X. An introduction to professional workplace writing. Topics include context, purpose, audience, style, organization, format, technology, results, and strategies for persuasion when writing typical workplace messages. In addition to shorter assignments, a substantial formal report that incorporates data analysis and support for conclusions or recommendations is required. Assignments include composing a total of 6,000 words (approximately 25 pages). Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: COMM 394, COMM 394X, ENGL 394, or ENGL 394X.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Preview of Global Healing

I would love to say something that could make things better for other people. Below are two paragraphs that appeared in The Watchtower May 1, 2002 that I think help us all get through the daily pressures that life puts on all of us.

Jesus' Miracles—A Preview of Global Healing

Jesus' miracles did more than prove that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God. They furnished a basis for faith in the Bible's promises that obedient mankind will be cured in the future. These promises include the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 35, mentioned in the opening paragraph. Isaiah 33:24 states concerning the future health of God-fearing humans: "No resident will say: 'I am sick.'" Similarly, Revelation 21:4 promises: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things [today's trials and suffering] have passed away."

People regularly pray for the fulfillment of these prophecies when they repeat Jesus' model prayer, which says in part: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10, King James Version) Yes, God's will includes the earth and humankind. Disease and disabilities, although permitted for a reason, will soon have had their day; they will not blight God's "footstool" forever.—Isaiah 66:1.*